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  • info@fancogold.com

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Project Description

Fanco Mining Share Company Is Share Company Formed Between Eritrean National Mining Corporation (Enamco) And Almutrf International Group (A Saudi Company). In May 2018, The Eritrean Government Granted An Exploration Licence To Fmsc In The Fanco Area. The Primary Target Of The Company Is To Explore And Define Economic Gold Resource And Commence Gold Production Within That License.


The Fanco, covers an area of 1,390 km2 , and is located in the western lowlands of Eritrea, in the Gash Barka Province in the sub-zones of Hykota, Tessenei, Guluj and Augaro. It is located ~220 km west of Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, and its eastern boundary is ~20 km southeast of the Town of Tesseney. Figure 1 presents the location of the project within Eritrea and indicates the project’s proximity to surrounding communities.

Data type Content

GIS Digitised GIS data include structural mapping, geological mapping, geochemical survey,tenement and location in shape files and csv files Drilling Recent and historic drilling data include QC data in EXCEL format Trenching Recent and historic trenching data include QC data in EXCEL format Geophysics Airborne EM survey, gravity, and magnetic survey results in georeferenced and ungeoreferenced image format. All geophysical survey reports and raw data for gravity surveyhave also been provided Satellite image High resolution satellite image covering the whole area3D IP Survey Data and cross section images for IP SurveyDatabase Database include part of the drillhole and trench collar, survey, geology, and gold assaysReports Recent project technical reports, historic project reports, and regional and nearby projects repo

RSC Global Ltd (RSC) is The company's technical consyltant

Fanco Mining Share Company (FMSC) commissioned RSC Global Ltd (RSC) to undertake a review of progress towards development of the all-areas

The company contracts with major international consulting companies, including, RSC
RSC was established in early 2008 and now operates a global group of companies with subsidiaries in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe. Their head office is located in Perth Australia.
RSC’s international team has a broad range of geological and commodity experience, industry knowledge and expertise RSC continues to provide exploration management support and preparation of mineral resource estimates that can be reported in accordance with recognized industry codes.